I Drank Ketchup Packets on My Run, for Science

Why might ketchup make sense as running fuel:

When you’re running, even at a fairly slow pace, your body burns through a lot of carbohydrates. Many of these come from glycogen, a form of carb storage in your muscles. You can add more carbs to the mix by eating sugary or starchy foods. Runners who carb up tend to feel better and run farther than those who don’t.

Fueling with carbs isn’t required for short runs—say, an hour or less. But if you’re running 10 miles on the weekends, or training for a marathon or a half, you’ll definitely get into the territory where gels can help. Gels are the most convenient way to get easy carbs on the run; they’re packets that contain a few tablespoons of a syrupy sludge


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