How to Get Through a Miserable Winter With the Danish Concept of Hygge

For some, the winter is a magical time of year. For others like me, it’s a gloomy, cold, darkness you just have to wait out. But there’s a better way to get through winter. A mindset that involves embracing the unique aspects of the winter months. Enter the Danish concept of “hygge.”

“The best translation is coziness, but not the physical coziness that you get when you put on a sweater or cuddle up with a blanket. It’s more of a state mental balance and psychological well-being.”

It’s a feeling many of us feel when we go home for the holidays. But it doesn’t have go away when you head back to the real world. And, believe me, the Danish know what they’re talking about. They have some of the longest, harshest winters, yet they’re, Here are some tips on how you can achieve hygge this winter and hopefully enjoy it more than usual.

Double Down On Coziness:

It may not be the true definition of hygge, but getting physically cozy can still help. Basically, become an expert at hunkering down at home and getting as comfortable as possible. Reading a book by the fire with a hot drink is hygge. So is eating homemade baked goods while watching TV under a mountain of blankets. You can never have enough blankets, pillows, warm socks, hot drinks, or cuddling with your pet or significant other.


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